Visitors / Guest Policy
Visitors / Guest are not allowed to visit the production floors without permission of the competent authority. However special areas are set a side for their entertainment.
Personal telephone Calls & Emails
The telephone is available for official use only. The personal calls are not allowed in working hours.
Meal Break
If the employee is scheduled to work more then five hours then they are entitled for one hour lunch. This period is allocated for lunch & prayer only. The time is as follow: For labor / officer (Summer / Winter) From 1:00 p.m. To 2:00 p.m. On Friday (For lunch / Prayer) from 1:00 p.m. To 2:30 p.m.
Suspicious Packages
If you are seeing any unopened package, bags etc. Please do not deal with them yourself. Let yourself, let you department in charge know about them or inform the security staff.
Leave Information
Except for sick leave, employees are required to take prior permission for their manager and approved from general manager of the company and submitted to gate in charge. If any employees earn the leave without the prior intimation than the leave shall be considered leave without pay. If the sick leaves are more than two, medical certificate should be attached with leave application form.
Employee Meeting
Monthly the ROZA® Sports has arranged a meeting with employee. Every department has his own representative to talking participate and discuss the problem relevant to his factory.
Employee Communication
ROZA® Sports encourages honest and open communication between your are you boss. If you have question or problem concerning your work, you should talk to your department in charge. If you wish to take a suggestion or a comment. The factory shall hang a compliant box in prominent areas of the factory.
Search Policy
To maintain utmost security in the factory premises, it is required to carry out random search of employees from time to time, if any employee is asked for search, it does not mean that he is being insulted or under suspicious, the vehicles of the employees could also be searched out.
Wrong Use of Computer
The employees whom are given company’s computer are responsible for its care. All computers must be switched off after the completion of the work. In case of any problem immediately intimate the computer section. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to use or conduct any sort of repair work. Computers are given for official assignment only.
Lost Property Policy
If your personal property is lost, immediately inform your boss, so that you could help out if you find any thing on the premises, please hand it to your in charge, or admin department without any delay.
Policy on Smoking
ROZA® Sports established their own policy about smoking. It is the policy of ROZA® Sports in working area during working hours. Only the nominated areas are allowed for smoking. If any worker, supervisors, in charges, managers, and remaining all staff member are not allowed to smoke in working areas. Company will take serious action for that employee according to rules and regulation. We believe that every person will be following the company rules & regulations. Do you know how smoking plays with your health? It is safety hazard and cause fire. Absenteeism is high among smokers. Productivity loses due to smoke brakes and causes damage to property when cigarettes burn. Smokers require more routine maintained i.e. ash/ butt clean up. Smokers create health hazard for other employees through passive smoking.